Standard identifier

This is where you enter the standard identifiers.

Standard identifiers help to find the required data quickly and import it directly from the Internet into the form.


  • DOI *Handle number
  • URN
  • PubMed-ID
  • Web of Science UT code

DOI (digital object identifier)

A DOI is a direct and permanent identifier of a document on the Internet. You can find the DOI on the publisher's website or on the publication itself (it begins with DOI:, doi: ..., or 10 ...). A DOI assigns up-to-date, structured metadata to the document. DOIs are permanently linked with the object as an entity, and not just with the location of the object.

Instead of manually entering the DOI and other required data, we recommend that you make use of the DOI for the "Import data" function as this fills out almost the entire form automatically.


  • 10.1080/10448632.2011.598804
  • 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2011.02.117

Please do not enter "DOI:" or "doi:" before the DOI.

Handle number

A handle number is a unique identifier for digital objects.

You can also enter the handle number here.



The purpose of a uniform resource name (URN) is to uniquely label a resource for its entire life span. A resource can also have several URNs. Since URNs are independent of the location and other properties of the resource (in contrast to URLs, for example), a URN can remain unchanged, even if the resource's location changes. At the same time, a new resource will always be assigned a new URN, even if its location is the same as that of other resources.

You can also enter the URN here.



PubMed is a bibliographical reference database for biomedical literature from MEDLINE as well as journals in the field of life sciences and e-books. The entries sometimes contain links to full-text articles from PubMed Central and various publisher websites.


Web of Science data

Web of Science® is aimed at scientists, administrators, university lecturers, and students who require quick, efficient access to the world's leading citation databases. The reliable, multidisciplinary content of Web of Science covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including open access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. Web of Science covers both science and social sciences and arts and humanities from the year 1900 onwards.

UT code: Accession number: WOS:000301664600036
Topic revision: r9 - 2021-07-01, IrinaFilozova - This page was cached on 2025-03-14 - 09:06.

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