Deutsche Version Main.KatrinGrosse 06 Feb 2013 GSI COLLABORATIONS When selecting the institute (in addition to the institute/department such as ALICE), plea...
English Version Tipps Tricks * Allgemeines: GF Beschluss: (WebLogin); Video :
English Version Volltexte As we are usually not allowed to attach the publishers PDF of the doucment you are about to submit, we'd kindly ask you to provide us w...
English Version Main.KatrinGrosse 06 Feb 2013 GSI KOLLABORATIONEN Bitte bei der Institutsauswahl (neben den Instituten/Abteilungen wie ALICE) auch als Colla...
English Version Form/Template = Vorlage/Schablone Eine Vorlage (od. eine Art Schablone) in der Datenverarbeitung zur Erstellung von Dokumenten oder Dokumentteile...
Deutsche Version Author's agreement The author's agreement can be downloaded here in PDF format. Please send the completed and signed author's agreement to the l...
Deutsche Version Book title This is where you enter the title of the book for works that are part of a book. If your work has been published as part of a book, w...
Deutsche Version Special collections This is where the applicable special collection can be entered for entries for which the "Relevant for VDB" status was set t...
Deutsche Version Reporting year The reporting year is the year in which the publication appears in a Helmholtz Centre Research Report, and if applicable, is take...
Deutsche Version Abstract (German) This is where you enter the abstract of the work, written in German. Abstracts are usually also protected by copyrights or rig...
Deutsche Version Publication types You can select the publication type(s) here. See below for a list of all publication types. Please contact us if you have wor...
Deutsche Version Peer review Please select "Peer reviewed article" if you are sure that the publication has been through the peer review process. If you do not h...
Main.HeikeLexis 30 Jan 2014 Deutsche Version Classification number Institution specific information: DESY Example: For a HASYLAB application, enter the HA...
Deutsche Version ISBN of a special issue This is where you enter the ISBN of a special issue. Special issues on a specific topic or a conference sometimes appe...
Deutsche Version Title of special issue This is where you enter the title of a special issue. Special issues on a specific topic or a conference sometimes appe...
Deutsche Version Internal note to library staff This field is intended primarily for notes for the library staff. However, further publication information that ...
Deutsche Version Year of degree This is where you use the calendar function to enter the year in which the last step required for graduating (usually the last or...
Deutsche Version Patent application number This is where you enter the patent application number (e.g. DE10718875.7). Description: The patent application number ...
Deutsche Version Title in other language This is where you enter a title in another language. You can enter the title of the translation of your work, or the tit...
Deutsche Version This is where you enter the volume number for books and series. Please enter all volumes that were published within one year. Example: * Vols...
Deutsche Version Physical shape Institution specific instructions: RWTH Aachen University Format * Print: Documents published in printed form * Online:...
Deutsche version In the case of multimedia publications, the place of production, the place of publication, the place of distribution or the place of manufacture ...
English version Hier wird bei Multimediapublikationen der Produktionsort, der Veröffentlichungsort, der Vertriebsort oder der Herstellungsort eingetragen.
English version Hier wird bei Büchern und Schriftenreihen die Bandangabe eingetragen. Tragen Sie alle Bände ein, die in einem Jahr erschienen sind. Beispiel: ...
English version Hier werden wenn vorhanden zusätzliche Report Nummern eingetragen, wenn diese nicht schon beim Datenimport genutzt wurden. Hierzu gehören Iden...
Deutsche Version If available and not used for data import, additional report numbers are entered here. This includes identifiers from external systems such as fr...