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Results from Main web retrieved at 16:33 (Local)

Abstract Synopsis or summary of a scientific article or work.
Bachelor thesis A scientific thesis completed at the end of a bachelor’s study course. Publication of a bachelor thesis is only possible with the agreement of the...
Book A monograph, published independently or as part of a series. Please select the role you had in creating the monograph (author, editor, translator, illustrato...
Communication Minutes A record of the topics discussed in a meeting or similar.
Conference presentation Presentation slides, manuscripts, videos or similar. Documents prepared for a presentation at a conference. Please enter any presentation ...
Contribution to a book Essays published as part of a book (contributions to an anthology, a commemorative publication etc.).
Contribution to conference proceedings Works that have been published in full within a conference proceeding. For abstracts, please select the document type "Abst...
Coursework Work over a course of study on a particular topic (or several topics). Option to publish course or semester papers.
Data set A group of data fields with related content (relating to a single object). Research data indicate (digital) data which is created during a research proce...
Diploma thesis A scientific thesis completed at the end of a degree study course. Examination theses such as master’s, bachelor’s, Diploma, Magister and State Exa...
English Version Die folgenden Dokumenttypen stehen zur Auswahl: * Abstract * Bachelor Thesis * Book * Communication * Conference Presentation * ...
English Version Deutsche Version You can choose from the following document types: * Abstract * Bachelor thesis * Book * Communication * Conference...
Reference Editorship of a reference work (e.g. lexicon, encyclopedia, manual or similar). Please select the role "Editor" in the person field.
Report Scientific, statistical, or technical report from an institute or faculty or on a project or planned research project. The specific identification number o...
Review of article or book Critique, discussion of a specific item (book, film, pictures, or other creations, e.g. exhibitions, conferences). Please only submit re...
Software Entry field for describing programs and all non physical components of a computer aided system.
German "Staatsexamen" Publication of a state exam thesis is only possible with the consent of the thesis advisor. (See Diploma Thesis)
Talk (non conference) Published talk slides, manuscripts, or similar. Documents prepared for a talk which was not given at a conference/symposium. If you have no...
Website Presence on the world wide web (as a set of hypertext documents). Websites are an essential part of scientific communication and are also referenced, e.g....
Number of topics: 19

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